However, unlike the Switch and Wii U versions, the game's emulator version might annoy fans visually due to its framerate.
Both Switch and Wii U players are well acquainted with the fact that the title's framerate occasionally goes down to 20 at some point during gameplay. In CEMU's case, it could go as low as 10, according to VentureBeat. Such issue could be deemed as a minor setback by Team CEMU as the aforementioned contributions from their backers keep pouring in not to mention the team's eagerness in solving the emulated game's frame rate concern. Meanwhile, players who have already come across with 'Breath of the Wild's' 'The Lost Pilgrimage' shrine quest consider the mentioned part of the game as a bad mission. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is an action-adventure Wii U game.
Game pundits even compare it to 'Final Fantasy XV's' infamous 13th chapter dubbed 'Redemption' where the Noctis needs to embark on a journey in locating the crystal and at the same time surviving on his own. It is the final Nintendo-published game for the Wii U.